Ideas for Custom Manufactured Front Doors

The market for custom doors has exploded in recent years. Many homeowners are eager to give their houses a unique look to stand out from the others in the neighborhood. Some choose to paint their houses a different color, however, many homeowner associations place restrictions on the colors houses in their neighborhood can be painted. Also, a quality paint job may cost more than a pair of custom front doors.

Bespoke exterior doors are nearly as visible as a house’s paint, and can be even more unique. The designs are limited only by the homeowner’s imagination. A quality door company can build nearly anything their customers can dream up.

There are two different common types of custom double entry doors: wood-based and glass-based. Some designs do not fall into either of these categories, but most do. Wood-based doors are more common, but glass-based doors are becoming more popular.

You might like wood-based doors as they cost somewhat less than glass-based doors, and do not take as long to make. Custom door manufacturers such as ETO Doors can accommodate designs with glass inserts too. It is also worth noting that as glass cutting technology improves, the time and expense involved in making a glass-based door is dropping precipitously.

Glass-based doors offer a very unique design that often justifies the expense. After all, who wouldn’t want better curb appeal? Keep in mind that glass doors also require more maintenance. They must be cleaned regularly, and don’t last as long as wood-based doors.